These financial assistance programs provide support to individuals and families with limited income.
The Department of Youth & Social Services provides programs and services designed to improve the quality of life for youth, families and individuals so that they may reach their full potential as healthy members of society. Click here to go to their web page.
Our Social Service programs are designed to assist individuals and families in meeting their basic needs and are designed to encourage personal responsibility, foster independence, and promote self-sufficiency while maintaining dignity and privacy. Services include:
Food Bank/Monthly Mobile Food Pantry Truck
Energy Assistance
Fuel Bank
Assistance with completing forms and applications
Holiday Baskets and gifts
Back-to-school supplies
Summer lunch program for program participants
Care 4 Kids helps low to moderate income families in Connecticut pay for child care costs. This program is sponsored by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood. To participate in the program, there are certain eligibility requirements for parents, children and child care providers.
Families must:
live in Connecticut;
be working or attending a temporary family cash assistance (Jobs First) approved education or training activity; and
meet the program's income requirements.
Children must:
live in Connecticut; and
be under age 13, or if the child has special needs under age 19.
Providers must:
be licensed by the CT Department of Public Health (unless exempt from licensing); or
be a relative, like a grandparent; or
take care of the child in the child's home.
Click here to find out if you might be eligible for Care 4 Kids.
HUSKY Health offers coverage to eligible children, parents, relative caregivers, elders, individuals with disabilities, adults without minor children, and pregnant women.
The HUSKY Health program offers a comprehensive health care benefit package, including preventive care, primary care and specialist visits, hospital care, behavioral health services, dental services, and prescription medications.
For information about eligibility guidelines and applying, please follow this link for How to Qualify.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, better known as the WIC Program, provides healthcare referrals, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and supplemental foods for pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and children up to age five. For more information, go to their website here. For information about monthly WIC visits in Colchester, click here.

Access to Care
The Access to Care Specialist at UCFS screens uninsured clients to determine their eligibility for insurance programs such as HUSKY, SAGA, Medicaid, and others. Clients who may be eligible are fully assisted in the application process. Applications are submitted to the appropriate agency on the client’s behalf and are followed up on by the Access to Care Specialist to ensure eligibility has been granted. Continued assistance is available for clients when it becomes necessary to complete eligibility re-determination forms. The Access to Care Specialist assists clients in accessing other community-based resources provided by local private and municipal agencies on a case by case basis.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, helps low-income individuals and families afford the cost of food at grocery stores and farmers’ markets. You can find out more about the program and apply for these benefits here.